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Spain's Digital Nomad Visa: How to apply

There are two main options to apply for Spain's Digital Nomad Visa: from Spain or from outside of Spain.

Applying from within Spain

It is possible to apply for Spain's Digital Nomad Visa from Spain after having legally entered the country. This approach leads to the Digital Nomad Residence Permit, which is granted for up to three years.

Who can handle the application?

  • It is common practice to have a representative, like a visa consultant or immigration lawyer, submit the application on behalf of the applicant.

  • However, applicants can also submit their own application online via the UGE website. If opting for self-submission, there are a few extra steps involved: applicants need to obtain a Spanish NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), which is a foreigner identification number, and a Digital Certificate. The Digital Certificate is a secure electronic ID that allows you to sign documents online and interact securely with government agencies and businesses.

Important points to note:

  • Presence in Spain: All applicants, including dependents, must be physically present in Spain at the time of application submission, regardless of whether they use a representative or not. Applicants are allowed to leave the country after submitting the application while they wait for the resolution.

  • Legal status: Applicants must be legally in Spain at the time of application, such as holding a valid tourist visa. Your passport must clearly show an entry stamp to Spain (it must be readable). This stamp is typically obtained if you fly directly into the country, but it may not be obtained by default if the applicant drives to Spain from another Schengen country, as an example.

  • It is often useful for applicants to start gathering the required documents before traveling to Spain to apply, as some of these documents can take a while to obtain, and some are more easily sourced while still in the home country.

Applying from Outside of Spain

If you are outside of Spain, you can apply for the Digital Nomad Visa through the local Spanish consulate. This visa is initially granted for one year, with the option to extend for up to three years by reapplying from Spain if requirements are still met.

Who can handle the application?

  • Submission at Consulate: Visa applications must be submitted in person by the applicant or through a duly accredited representative.

  • Representation: If someone is submitting the application on your behalf, they must provide a copy of their ID card or passport, along with a copy of the power of attorney or official document accrediting representation. Original documents must be presented at the time of application.

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